Stations of the Cross


Year 9 Projects

The Stations of the Cross - The route pilgrims take tracing Jesus' last steps in Jerusalem, they follow the 'Via Dolorosa'.

In Catholic and many Anglican churches the stations are located around the walls in a series of pictures called the Stations of the Cross. They show the different aspects of the story of Jesus' last hours from the trial by Pontius Pilate to his crucifixion and burial in the tomb. Christians go to each station in turn, pausing at each to meditate and pray.

Below are a series of pictures showing the Stations of the Cross - click on the links to see the other Stations.

1 Jesus is condemned to death. Consider how Jesus, after having been scourged and crowned with thorns, was unjustly condemned by Pilate to die upon the cross.   2 Jesus receives the cross. Consider how Jesus, taking the cross upon his shoulders, thought of us, and offered for us to his Father the death he was about to undergo.   3 Jesus falls for the first time. Consider Jesus' first fall under the weight of the cross, his flesh torn by the whipping, his head crowned with thorns. He's so weak he can barely walk let alone carry the weight of the cross.  

Stations of the Cross 4 - 6  
              Stations of the Cross 7-9          Stations of the Cross 10 - 12

Stations of the Cross 13 - 14

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